Theme : Develop business english skill
Location : Seminar room
Target : New employees of a multinational
Speaker : Head of Human Resource Department
Purpose : To develop business english skill
of new employees
Situation : A multinational company hold an internal business english
seminar for new employees. The manager of HRD as a
trainer, give some materials to the
The trainees
are the new employee.
Actors :
Annissa as Trainer,
Ilham as Trainee and Moderator
(In the seminar room)
“Good morning,
everyone. Welcome to Prudential
Company. Let me introduce self first. I am Ilham Nazilla. I am the moderator of this
event. I am a Human Resource Staff in this company. As you know, today the Head
of Human Resource Department is going to provide you a training of business
english. So please pay attention to the seminar that will be given to you.
Please welcome, the Head of Human Resource Department of Prudential Company,
Mrs. Annissa Amalia.”
Manager : “Thank you, Mr. Ilham. Hello, Good morning everyone.
Welcome to Prudential Company. Let me introduce myself. I am Annissa Amalia,
you can call me Mrs. Annissa. I am the Head of Human Resource Department of
Prudential Company. As our company usually does, there always be a seminar of
business english after every recruitment in Prudential Company that it will be
held by the Human Resource Department. This seminar provides you some materials
of business english thst will ease you to communicate in office environment by
considering the etiquettes. There will be three main materials of business
english that we’re going to have today. Those are about negotiation, arguing,
and how to participate a meeting.”
(showing the slides of negotiation etiquettes)
Manager : “Negotiation. When you are on work, you can never skip
negotiation from the office environment. Negotiation is really important
because any solution can be found by doing this activity. So, what are the
strategies on doing negotiation? There are at least five strategies. First,
consider your speaking intonation. Second, avoid unconvincing words or expressions.
Third, do a research. Then, don’t be too personal. And the last, watch your
body language.”
There are some useful
expression of negotiation that you can apply.
Opening statement; “let’s get down to business”, “let’s begin the discussion
Expressing an opinion;
“if you ask me...”, “I think...”, “In my opinion...”.
Emphasizing a main point;
“My main concern at this stage is...”, “The main thing for me is...”, “I would
like to emphasize that...”.
Suggesting or accepting an offer; “would you consider... ?”, “Why don’t you...”, “I think we can accept
Asking for suggestion;
“How do you think we should deal with...?”, “How do you propose?”.
Clarifying; “As I
understand it, your offer is...”, “If I understand you correctly...”.
Agreeing; “That’s fine.”,
“That’s a good point.”, “Yes, definitely.”.
Disagreeing; “Nonsense.”,
“I beg to differ with you.”, “I can’t go along with that.”.
Being firm; “I understand
what you are saying, but...”, “i’m afraid that’s out of the question.”
Being flexible; “Would you be
prepared to... (if) ...”, “i’m will to... (if)...”
Concluding; “The main
point that have been made are...” “It’s been a pleasure doing business with
(showing the
slides of argumentation etiquettes)
Manager : “Argumentation. Argumentation is also much important
when you are on work. When you are in a meeting, negotiation, or having
interaction with our coworker, we often having some argumentation. When you are
arguing, you have to use polite words, which means that don’t you be emotional.
You also have to open up your mind to any idea that your partner has. The last,
that you have to keep in mind, lose in an argumentation doesn’t mean that you
are weak, it’s only that you have the different idea.”
(showing the slides of participating a meeting etiquettes)
Manager : “The last topic, that also important for you, is the
etiquette on participating a meeting. Some workers have good skill but not good
manner or personality. They usually failed to survive in business environment,
especially in the office, because of that. So you must have both good skill and
good manner equally. The first etiquette you have to consider is arriving on
time to the meeting location. The second, get anything you need for the meeting
well prepared. The third, minimalize your intensity on checking mobile phone
unless there is something urgent that force you to do that. The last, write
down anything you think is important.”
Manager : “That’s all the material from me. Thanks for paying
Moderator : “Thank you for the materials, Mrs. Annissa. Well, now
is the time for question and answer session. Whoever of you wanna ask some
question, please raise your hand.”
Trainee : “(raising hand)”
Moderator : “Yes, please. What do you wanna ask? Please mention
your name and your division.”
1 : “My
name is Andy. I’m a new staff in financial division. I wanna ask. What is the
difference between negotiation and argumentation? Thank you.”
Moderator : “Good question. Second question,
anyone? This will be the last.”
2 : “(raising hand)”
Moderator : “Okay. Please mention your name and your division.”
2 : “Thank you for the chance. Well, my name is
Bryan. I’m the new staff of IT division. My question is, how to do a good
online negotiation through written text and avoid misperception or
miscommunication of that? That’s all. Thank you.”
Moderator : “Well, thank you for the question, Mr. Bryan.
It is now the time for answering the questions that have been delivered. To
Mrs. Annissa, kindly take your time.”
Manager : “Thanks, Mr.
Ilham. Let me answer the question orderly. Ok, the first question. It was What
is the difference between negotiation and argumentation?. So, argument is
often to take deal with conflicting goals or interests. On the other hand,
negotiation and bargaining involve concession exchange and tactical use of
power, which may be contrasted with attempts to convince others through
argument. That’s all.”
second question, How to do a good online negotiation through written text
and avoid misperception or miscommunication of that?. The answer is,
consider your sentence to be as clear as possible. Do not abbreviate your
sentence that may leads to different understanding to your partner, and please
use the appropriate punctuation. That’s it.”
Moderator : “Thank you for the great answer,
Mrs. Annissa. The material has been delivered perfectly and the QnA session has
done either. So, it means that our seminar today is finished. The last but not
least, thanks to everyone of you who has participated this seminar
enthusiastly. See you next time.”
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